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AGM Update

AGM Update

Chris Day12 May - 20:06
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Further details added.

We hope you can join us on Monday 20th May at 7.30pm for the club AGM.

As per the RFU guidelines, the following Golden Roles will be voted in at AGM.

Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Director of Rugby
Fixture Secretary & Referee Co-Ordinator (Adult)
Youth Contact (13-18)
Mini Contact (6-12)
Safeguarding Officer
Coaching Co-Ordinator
Rugby Safe Lead
Facilities Manager
International Tickets Lead
Data Officer
Discipline Secretary

A description of the roles by the RFU can be found by clicking the link below.

Anyone wishing to stand for the role will need to be nominated and seconded. Should two or more people be nominated for the same role, a vote will be held at the meeting.

All other club roles will be advertised directly after the meeting and appointed by the new committee in the coming weeks.

Further reading